BIRKMAN Method Gelişim Uygulamaları

Your Choice… Your Career… Your Life

BIRKMAN Method Gelişim Uygulamaları
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  • "Right University Choice starts with CCALand help  since 10 years of know -how "

    Career Coaching

    There Are Countless Career Choices You Can Make.

    Choose Wisely.

    Behaviors that work best for you and the way you show up most often


    • You meet people easily and relate well to others in groups
    • You’re straightforward and find it easy to speak your mind
    • You’re structured and organized in your thinking

    What You’ll Take Away

    A list of job areas and job titles generated by how similar your personality is to people who are satisfied in those jobs


    • Life, physical & social science: Chemist
    • Management: Marketing manager
    • Engineering & architecture: Computer hardware engineer

    and what you need for to decide your study - 




    which FM/TM focus

    What s in it ? 

    Take the Birkman questionnaire

    • Expect to spend about 30 minutes taking the questionnaire
    • There are 298 multiple choice questions. But don’t worry—there are no wrong answers

    2. Immediately download your results

    • Your customized, interactive PDF is available as soon as you complete the questionnaire
    • Start your   discovery!

    3. Explore the insights

    • See how ccaLand  analyzes more personality data than other career tests
    • Click on your career matches to find out details about the role (including salary information)
    • our 10 years of student mentoring experince wil help you many examples about graduates too.
    by CCaland.


    Amerika ve Kanada 'daki yerleştirme destek hizmetlerimiz Prf David Felsen ile beraber yapmaktayız:Bu kapsamdaki hizmet detayımız ekteki gibidir:

    1- Analysis of Student aptitute

    2-Asistance with strategic university selection

    3- Asistance with applications

    4- Asistance with essay topics and review

    5- Finding scholarships and discounts from college admissions

    6- General presentation of college process

    for deails of US and Canada please reach us for fisrt free meeting.

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