Coaching as a lifelong learning process
It is an international training prepared in a micro learning (piecewise learning) environment that includes the Basic Concepts of Coaching and advanced techniques. The Portuguese MYK Coaching Profession takes care to apply its contents according to broad ethical values and to train its graduates in the best way..
At the end of the training, a coaching certificate is given to all conditions, this certificate is available for ICF and application.
CCALand Global Coaching and Mentoring Programs
CCALand Professional International Coaching Program: The fastest entry (FAST TRACK) Coaching Training and Certificate Program
This program includes a 60-hour training process accepted as the minimum hour by the federations and a mobile learning portal that will continue for 6 months and a 10-hour mentoring package.
The scope of the program, unlike other trainings, is to do it with a reminder application and to give each coach's own profile with the BIRKMAN instrument, which has been the most registered tool in this regard for 70+ years. Each coach will be able to provide their own reports and profiles of differentiated treatment types, and provide coaching services at world standards with maximum efficiency.
Amazon Module: Coaching and Awareness - Includes 3-day classroom training: It is done online in 4 sessions and continued with micro learning via mobile application.
Basic Concepts of Coaching
Coach ideal profile analysis and personalized - Who can coach? Birkman Coaching Profile Analysis
What is Corporate and Individual Coaching? What are their differences? How is corporate coaching content created.
Who can receive coaching?
What are the internationally accepted basic methods that should be taken while coaching?
What are the development of coaching structure and its differences from other services - methods? What are your development areas according to your behavioral profile at this stage?
The most powerful question and activation distribution management - demo applications with transitions
A look at coaching as an art and science - metaphors and mobile application continuous learning books
CCA Transformational coaching model - CCA coach path distribution update - Whyable -analytical method method and tools- NSP WhyChoicePositioning
Developing trust in the coaching relationship - Commitment, Trust, Dialogue and Ease
The coach's perspective to gain and experience - exercises
Working to stay in the coach position - difficult situations
Becoming a globally accredited coach and necessary procedures - information from summarized trends and trainings
Coaching as entrepreneurship - and specializing in other areas
Ethics and Privacy policy
Module Matrix: Coaching and Science - includes 2-day classroom training: It is done in 4 sessions online and continued with micro learning via mobile application.
Algorithms used in coaching
Coaching cards application - Coaching training micro learning - mobile application application explanation
How can you do coaching according to people - coaching for people, not subjects
A look at team/group coaching with Tools and Applications
Coaching as an art and science The relationship between neuroscience
Self-coaching-NSP method
Use of coaching methods
Combination of coaching and mentoring and its applications - What mentoring achieves
The concept of coaching as a tool for executive coaching and personal development (use of coaching in developing talents)
Module Avatar: Advanced Coaching Competencies Application: It is done in 4 online sessions and continued with micro learning via the mobile application.
Mentorship support program
CKA - exam preparation ( It is an online Turkish exam conducted by ICF for applications - It is done by making an appointment from ICF page once in the first application)
Mobile learning and support trainings ( This application is open to graduates of CCALand coaching school for 6 months until they finish their 100-hour registration.) * The techniques included in the mobile learning program are required for each coach to accept the client's profiles - coaching profile development - deepening questions and application of methods on 5 different subjects with questions and videos. Since coaching is done on the person, not on the subject, it is based on experiencing the right focus and awareness techniques.
This module will be applied personally for each participant according to how they want to progress in the coaching process. Each participant will eventually have a mentor coach who is automatically included in the program fee.
For ICF ACC accreditation rules check web for this , an additional 7 hours of mentor coaching is required.
For other certifications, it s all in english.
The most effective method is the ICF ACC accreditation path recommended within a minimum of 6 months. Information is provided about the rules of ICF applications.You can have this certification in 3 motnths if you have marching profile .
Why CCALand Coaching Program?
In the program, coaching profile analysis, which is not available in other trainings, is performed according to the norms and development areas are determined.
The program is given in a format that includes continuous learning with 'first and only' micro learning and online study techniques.
The program learns according to the most common mistakes with its own artificial intelligence and renews itself by adding new modules. Everyone who participates in the program is on the same platform and can see their development.
There will be an opportunity to learn with short videos and review some sessions in the program.
The program provides the opportunity to be the most effective short-fast track - global ACC (or PCC - the only difference of this level is the extra hours and experience).
The program will provide support during the ACC (after 3 years) renewal process for continuity.
All trends included in the program will be followed up with periodic webinars and reminders will be published.
It will provide alumni network support at every 3-month meetings.
Who wants to take this training ?
Those who aim for personal development by using coaching skills
Those who want to increase their coaching competencies as a manager
Those who want to be entrepreneurs by choosing coaching as a profession
Those who aim for new developments in their career
Those who want to be more productive in their relationships
Those who aim for personal development by using Birkman Career Coaching tool and those who want to coach themselves.
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